..but fortunately I've come out ahead.
I love to bet. Betting makes life more interesting. For example, I recently bet Taylor a milkshake that Arkansas would beat Ohio State in the Sugar Bowl. Arkansas lost. And so did I. However, we went double or nothing on the BCS championship with Taylor choosing Oregon and me choosing Auburn. Thankfully, both Auburn and I were victorious with that final field goal on Monday night. UNfortunately there was no crowd for me to jump into and I don't have a heisman. ..but I am now one milkshake richer.

Taylor struggled to retrieve the oreo in his milkshake...
The outing gave us a chance to discuss race prep and strategy for the Krispy Kreme Challenge. We decided that we need to log some hours eating donuts (life is rough...) and practice running before and after eating massive amounts of fried doughy goodness. We also decided on a team name: Team I Cicada Krispy Kreme...TICKK for short. and registered.
While the iPhone can do a lot, it couldn't register me for the challenge.
All in all, the night was a general success (General Success! name that TV show...).
February 5 can't get here fast enough!
Ok I've read it. It's official now. How witty you are!