Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sitting will kill you

Today at work I stood at my desk. In fact, the majority of the people in my office also stood at their desks. Because sitting will kill you. Check out the infographic on that link - scary stuff, man (okay, I know it's mostly geared towards combating obesity...) But while this seems extreme, it's really great! Regardless of whether or not sitting at my desk is really increasing my risk of death by up to 40%, standing at my desk seems to have many benefits. I felt more focused throughout the day. While I still felt a little tired post-lunch, there was no way I was about to sleep standing up. I definitely had better posture while standing (once I got my computer to the perfect height) as opposed to slumping over the computer in my chair. And I never stood perfectly still. Sometimes I plugged into my ipod and moved my legs to the music, which was energizing and kept me focused at the same time.

However, around 2:30 I had to sit back down. I just felt exhausted and my lower back hurt. That tells me how much I do not stand, but I figure I can build on what I did today! And stand forever and be really productive. Standing makes lunch breaks even more worth it, too.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best Halloween costume

This year I won't be celebrating Halloween. And by celebrating, I mean dressing up as anything. Instead, I'll be up at camp, helping close up for the year, surrounded by lots of camp friends and hopefully some beautiful foliage.

But if I was going to dress up, it would be as this:

Very impractical for getting the most candy, however. know...since I still trick-or-treat and all..

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Meet our fourth roommate, Talon. Talon enjoys crawling up your pant leg and nibbling on gourmet food, like arugula and craisins. And while he hates baths, he loves being swaddled in a towel afterward. He used to have a facebook, but it was deactivated because he had too many friend requests. He is also highly skilled! Check him out: