So much has changed from my last post. I don't even know what that post was. Not that it was insignificant, it was probably a really excellent post.
I am back to living in DC, where it all began ("it all" being my blog). I'm living on Capitol Hill again, living by myself for the first time, and I have a new job. But still no english bulldog. It's all fairly exciting - except for that latter part. But trust me, if I had gotten an english bulldog there would have been a blog post about it (read that parents? english bulldog = more blogging).
In October I ran the Chicago Marathon with my dad and it felt relatively great. I would venture to say that if it felt great, I was doing something wrong, but relative to my other marathons - great. No passing out. No mid-point nausea. And I cannot tell you, dear reader, how many blog posts I started in an effort to write about my experience. Who knows if that will ever happen (it won't).
I have a lot of exciting things planned for 2014. My dad and I are running the Grandma's Marathon in June and the Steamtown Marathon in October. My new job includes a lot more travel to places other than one county in West Virginia, so there's that.
So now I'm sitting with my blogging friend Annie, in the middle of the snow globe that is DC, about to press "publish" to get this awkward first post out of the way. It's like ripping a bandaid off..just gotta do it, and the sooner I do it, the sooner I can move on with substantial, meaningful posts (because that's what you get when you rip off a bandaid).
Looking forward to many blogging and running ADVENTURES ahead.
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