This past weekend I ran my second of three 20-mile runs in preparation for the Pittsburgh Marathon. On my shorter runs, I'll listen to music, but it's gotten to the point where I know how long my songs on my running playlist last, so I am very conscious of how much time/mileage has passed. On my longer runs, I need something to really take my mind off of the fact that I still have 15 or so miles to go (but something that allows me to be able to focus on my running simultaneously) so I started listening to audiobooks. But on this run, I decided to tune out to podcasts and catch up on This American Life and The Moth. For the most part, it was delightful! Until I got to Anthony Griffith's story on The Moth titled under "Best of Times, Worst of Times". That should have been my first clue. Turns out this was the "one of the saddest stories [they've] ever presented". Yikes. But maybe something sad would really distract me? Long, sad, story short: it's about Anthony's struggle to balance his career as a rising comedian and fathering a cancer-stricken daughter. It is a really moving piece and if you get the chance to listen to it, please do it. It brought me to tears. I was downright bawling. And running. Not a good combination. Two people stopped to make sure I was alright. I tried to blame it on the rain..."'t...worry..." only it wasn't raining at the time.
Also on my run I kicked a poodle. One of those small ones. It wasn't on purpose. It got in the way of my foot after I yelled "excuse me!" to its owner multiple times and he still didn't pull his dog closer to him on the small sidewalk. It yelped and I'm sure it was fine..probably looked something like this:

...just kidding
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