A day later, I'm glad I did it. It makes for a good story. But the Krispy Kreme Challenge is definitely a once in a lifetime thing, as in, i'm only doing it once in my lifetime (probably something my mom will be glad to hear).

The morning was filled with denial and caffeine.

And it was far too rainy and chilly.

We took shelter under a restaurant's awning..
..tried to keep warm and dry

There were all types of people at the challenge
dressed in all types of clothing.

I got to run by these characters.
On the left: barefoot with a giant donut on his head
On the right: not enough clothing

I was greeted at the Krispy Kreme 2 miles down the road
my enthusiasm was short lived.

We saw this guy at the start. He was reaall amped up.
He compressed his donuts onto the sword he was carrying.
I think the kid on the left was his sidekick/coach.

By the time I got to my donuts, I was separated from my brother and Taylor, but as I was finishing up, i found Taylor. Don't let his smile fool you - it's masking tears (just kidding...but not really). Note the glaze on my cheeks and hands..i wanted a snack for the road. I went for the eat-3-compressed-at-a-time method and it was quite effective. Jessie 12. Donuts 0.

But we all finished in under an hour.
If hotel check out time wasn't a factor,
Taylor probably would have stayed like this for
the remainder of the day.

And of course, you do it for the shirt.
no tears, only because my body was trying to conserve every atom of salt it had