Monday, February 28, 2011
Inclement Weather
Sunday, February 27, 2011
And the oscar goes to...
(vanilla cake, strawberry icing...and a mirror shard)
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011
but i'm le tiired

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
And the winner of the best weekend goes to..
My housemate Josh proposed to his girlfriend this past weekend. Let's just say she's no longer his girlfriend.. (she's his fiance! har..) And when he returned to the house today, we greeted him with balloons, champagne, and a party hat. Congrats Josh! Can't wait to crash the wedding!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My new wheels
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Birth of the cyclone

Personally, I'm not a fan. But in a cake? Why not.

While i'm not a huge fan of tequila, or maragaritas for that matter, the cake was very tasty...i think the crowd of intoxicated party-goers agreed.. Perfectly sweet and you could taste every flavor ..lime..tequila.. Cupcake form would be exceptional if I do say so myself. Also exceptional was seeing Kelsey, Chelsea, and Alison, and catching up and meeting new people.
Happy Birthday Kels!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Winter takes my freckles away
Recognize these?? :
I don't either. Apparently they're my vitamin D deprived stumps, also known as legs. And they are ghostly pale. Translucent even. All of my summer freckles that made them appear "tan" have faded. I took them for a run since the weather has been downright awesome and they just loved it. They were like "Jessie! It's beautiful outside, let's keep running!" And I was like "No! Gotta stick to the schedule!" And they were like "But how many days will be like this in february!?" and I was like "Noo, it'll be warm soon enough!" and they were like "C'monnn" and I was like "No". So then we went home. Couldn't strain my legs before a big run tomorrow.. Speaking of which, I made the Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce that I found on Smitten Kitchen for my pre-long-run pasta.
I had high expectations for this sauce. Smitten Kitchen raved about it. And so did several others. And every word of their raves was the truth. I highly recommend it. There was so much flavor for only three ingredients. It was so good. And easy. Hopefully my long run will be the same.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Couldn't Contain Myself
Look at all of those hangers!
Look at all of those colors!
And of course there's that shelf near the checkout aisle filled with even more things that you never knew you needed but have to have the moment you see them. Which led us to buy these drinking glasses. Did we need them? Probably not. Do I love them with every sip from my nalgene that swirls past my eyes?
Monday, February 14, 2011
What I Love - edition 2.14

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Punkin - 2...

Friday, February 11, 2011
Summer, please.
Even though it's been cold these past couple days, the sun has been shining and the skies have been bright blue. And it makes me desperately want warm weather. It doesn't help that my room on the third floor is so hot, it's stifling, so I lie around in shorts and a t-shirt while it's 23 degrees outside.
It also doesn't help that i'm currently planning my summer that i will be spending at the cove. And as awesome as I feel running in my spandex tights (because in my body, where the shame gland should be, there is a second awesome gland. True story), I'd rather be running in shorts. But alas, it's early february and there is still a ways to go. I am at least comforted by knowing that I am not in Ohio anymore where winter overstays its welcome.
Happy Friday! (and three cheers for Egypt!)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Read this, you will

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Never again.

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Challenge Accepted!
it was more or less a success.
no more donuts..ever.
more pictures/update later when i can function
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Donuts/Days = 6 ***
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
dinner with dad, date with denison