i guess i'll take a break from reading the hunger games to post. though i'm still a little upset at Blogger for being down this morning and making me think that my most recent post was deleted and lost forever. ...i think that sense of hopelessness is just the hunger games speaking.
today was my last day at my internship. definitely felt mixed emotions. i am sad to be leaving it because of the people i've met, the experiences i was afforded, and the routine i developed. but at the same time, i'm ready and excited to move on in my life. i'm ready for summer, i'm ready for camp, i'm ready to see where the fall leads me... since it was my last day, i made cookies. more specifically - black and white cookies. only, being the supremely creative person that i am, i made them blue and white as those are the organization's colors. go me. i would have taken a better picture of them, except i lost all hope that blogger would ever return and by the time the site was up and functioning, they were gone.
so that's that. i leave bright and early tomorrow for pittsburgh with my dad. in the meantime, i'll be reading the hunger games by booklight until i pass out from excitement or the general tiredness that i get when i read. of course, reading by booklight is unnecessary. i could very well have the lights on and make it easier on my eyes. but if katniss has to suffer through the hunger games, i will suffer along with her! in solidarity! by not having enough light to read! (while i am well fed and hydrated in the comfort of my cushy bed, in an air conditioned house)
you're leaving DC?! *sad*