Thursday, April 28, 2011


(i was going to title this post "challenge accepted!" but it appears i have done that once before)

haaave you ever heard of the cinnamon challenge? it's something along the lines of swallow 1 tsp/1 tbsp of cinnamon in under a minute/5 minutes/just do it without spewing it back out. much easier said than done. if you've never tried it before: DO IT IT'S SO MUCH FUN... i successfully attempted it a couple months ago with a former housemate, allie. the first time we tried it there were spews of cinnamon everywhere (more specifically, the first floor bathroom sink whose drain clogged up for days after - was it the cinnamon? we'll never know). the second time, more cinnamon was kept in than out; but it's a really an awful experience. i believe allie was blowing cinnamon out of her nose for days after, not that you needed to know that. but onto the point of this post (my 4th in 2 days, that's gotta be a record for me. where's my gold star??): today my housemate max informed me that he was bet $100 dollars that he couldn't eat a tbsp of cinnamon in under 5 minutes. and that he'd be attempting it tomorrow. having met this challenge with success before, and knowing that the second time is really the charm, i forced him to attempt it tonight. the result? this hilarious video of max's attempt. his faces are priceless.

(special thanks to lauren for her spectacular cinematography skills, must be that harvard/soon to be complete gwu education!) stomach hurts.

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