Friday, July 13, 2012

Yo Jessie, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but...

Well I might as well introduce myself, you'll probably be hearing a looottttt about me...

That's me, Cinderella Meowington.  I am Kaycee and Jessie's cat and a pretty big deal if I do say so myself.  They love me (you should see their iPhone photos, I seriously take up over half of them).  You can often find me running around the house.  My mommies call me spastic and crazy, but what is the difference between what I do, and when Jessie goes out and runs 5 miles. I mean really.  When I'm not running around trying to keep a slim kitten figure, you can find me lying on Kaycee or Jessie's face.  Or somewhere else that is really inconvenient for the two people who love me the most in the world. 

I love a good belly rub.  I love to balance precariously on the upstairs railing.  I would say I love long walks on the beach, but I'm not allowed to go outside (because there's riffraff) so I wouldn't know.  I also love to tweet.  You should follow me on twitter (@CMeowington).  I'm pretty funny and look simply stunning in all of my instagrammed pictures.  

That's enough about me for now.  I'll be back.  How many times can you read about Jessie going for a run or hanging out with friends?  Let's be honest, it's not as exciting as me...ow!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Writing's on the wall

I'm superstitious.

But not in the black cat, walking under ladders sort of way.

More like the "i just thought about a scenario but because i thought about it, it's not going to happen".  Or the "i did things in 'x' order and slept well so if i do that again, i will sleep well again".

It's magical thinking.  And it sucks.

Take tests, for example.  Forget how hard i study, if i picture myself getting an "A", it can't possibly happen.  If i end up getting a B, i've confirmed this theory.  If i end up with an A, i must have thought about failing at some point along the way. Again, studying OBVIOUSLY has nothing to do with it. (don't get me started about multiple choice tests)

And that's what i blame my lack of blogging on.

When i first started this blog, i was coming off of an awesome first marathon and my sights were set on the next.  This blog was supposed to help me along the way. But when i did not complete that marathon, what was the cause? (beside the realistic medical reasons?) The fact that i was blogging about it all.  So if i want to complete a marathon, better stop that blogging nonsense.  Because it was definitely a part of what made me fail.

But really, that's just ridiculous. My running successes and failures will be about how well i train, not how often i blog. So to prove that, i must keep blogging. wait. ...something about this seems like it's going against what i'm trying to prove. i think.

what i do know is that all this thinking is making my head hurt, and is nonsensical. and you, the reader, hopefully get the idea. running is mental, but not on such a superficial level. so i'm back. and with a cat and a dream of finishing another marathon. here goes...