Monday, July 25, 2011

A day in my life at camp

Long time, no post. My life has been consumed by my job as assistant director at a summer camp. I'll make up for lack of posts somehow. For now, I present to you a day at camp.

Wake up. Often to the most obnoxious bell. ever. Or, on occasions such as July 4th, to Bruce Springsteen serenading us with Born in the USA.

At mealtime we have "family style" meals. We all fit around 6 tables. And the cooks often join us. Straws are clearly a necessity.

In the mornings, we either offer workshops for campers so they can learn about butterflies, birds, etc. Or the campers get an opportunity to work on specific projects... Catching butterflies for instance (Mourning Cloak pictured here)

Photo on 2011-06-27 at 14.00

At lunch we present the inspection report of the camper's dorms to make sure they keep up with cleaning! This is clearly taken very seriously...

After lunch and a little rest/free time, we have afternoon options which can vary from hikes, to nature focused arts and crafts, to mermaid boot camp.

During dinner we have the bird list. The bird list is a daily tally of all the birds we have seen or heard. This is a highlight of my day since I LOVE BIRDS.

Evening program time provides a lot of flexibility for activity offerings. Since it is one of the coolest times (literally and figuratively) of the day, we can do hikes, more active programs, or just quiet reflective time inside or out.

Hopefully that provides a glimpse into what I've been up to these past few weeks. Over these next few days, I hope to have the opportunity to make a few more posts. Adios!